RastafarI love. Thanks for a great article about the situation in Ayiti at this time. I just want to add the the UN Peacekeepers were guilty of raping boys and young men. And, Ayiti is probably the most impoverished Nation State in the Western Hemisphere and even though I get sad when folks repeat the phrase over and over, I accept that it is true! We continue to expose the corruption but poverty will not be eradicated without proper development of institutions and the valuing of the people. I’m a person of Ayiti descent, I’m also impoverished and homeless in NYC where I was born. There are hundreds of thousands of Haitians in this City and in the U.S. but, no one has really tried to reach out and help me and the many others who face this crisis. A few donations will not help! Ayiti is impoverished because of the same existential malaise that I experience, we both dared to be free! Blessed love.#1804 #Ayiti

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