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Jah &Jahes love. I enjoyed reading this week's Woy Magazine publication. I especially loved the write-up about Antoinette Duclaire and I still don't understand who killed her and why? What is going on with the investigation into her murder and that of her partner/friend? Diego? I also feel that Martine Moise is the main suspect in her husband Jovenel Moise's murder. But, there was no discussion about that. I will read Edwige Danticat's recent article in the New Yorker for her perspective on this situation. Finally, I wish that Woy Magazine would publish articles about the state or condition of Haitian lives in the diaspora. We cannot continue to adopt the attitude that "all is well" and everyone is climbing the ladder of success. There are so many of us who suffer daily from institutional racism, ethnocentrism, and other prejudice(s) but we have no media coverage of our pain and so we don't get the necessary advocacy. Blessed love.#1804 #Ayiti #ToutMounSeMoun #HousingForTheHomelessNow!

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