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Jah & Jahes love. Thanks again for another great issue of Woy Magazine. I enjoy reading your articles and I learn so much. I am also moved by the care and attention to detail and move to report events accurately. I still wish that there was more news about local issues that affect my life in New York City. For instance, elections are happening in states where people of Ayiti descent have formed enclaves. I am referring to New York State, Florida, and Georgia where the campaigns for Governor, Senate, and even local offices will directly impact the daily lives of Haitian people in the U.S. We also have to highlight how these political leaders will make decisions that have serious consequences for folks in Ayiti and especially for migrants. ( I paid the membership fee a few months ago, and I will start a new subscription soon-by the next issue!) Blessed love.#1804 #Ayiti #ToutMounSeMoun #HousingfortheHomelessNow #AbolishCPS #DefundFosterCare #ProChoice

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